Meet The Horses


Montana was adopted in October of 2017. He was first rescued from a kill lot in Montana, and found his forever home with us. Montana is a very confident horse and wants you to show up and lead him. He absolutely loves people and his herd. He is a wonderful leader and has a very protective and grounded nature. He will spend the remainder of his long life loving on people and sharing his gifts with people who are healing.

Montana is currently sponsored by Ross and Rebecca W


Skyy came to us in July of 2018. She had been pretty roughly handled at some point in her life and had a hard time trusting people when we first got her. She continues to build trust in people, but still takes a little time warming up. She will spend the remainder of her life teaching people the importance of building trust and relationship and the sweetness that can come from true connection.

Skyy is currently not sponsored–click here if you are interested in sponsoring her.


Shiloh came to us in March of 2019. Shiloh has an incredibly gentle soul. We do not know much of his story, but what we know is that he was came to us with the intention and purpose to help people looking for deep and meaningful connection. He loves to simply sit with people and enjoy the presence of each person who wants to spend time with him. His name Shiloh means “peace”, which is what he brings to Renewing Hope Ranch.

Shiloh is fully sponsored by Jolynn Z. <3

Isabelle aka Izzy

Izzy was a neighbor to our horses at our old home and officially moved in with us in August of 2019. She is such a sweet and gentle soul. Izzy has worked as a show horse for most of her life and decided to retire as a therapy horse with Renewing Hope Ranch. She is 19 years old and is calm and quiet in nature. She loves people and being loved on by people, she also loves treats very much! She loves to show up and help people who want quiet and sweet connection in their hearts and minds.

Izzy is fully sponsored by Denise B. <3


Genesis came to us in October of 2019. Genesis had a tough start to life, she was abused for the first 5-7 years of her life. During that time, she suffered a life altering injury that left her unrideable for the rest of her life. She found a new home where they tried to mend her injury, but was unsuccessful. The owner thought they would have to put her down to prevent her from going to a kill lot. We were able to rescue her and give her a second chance and a new beginning in her life.  Genesis has taught us how important taking things at your own pace is. She loves people and has such gentle eyes and a gentle soul. She loves treats and being able to see everything that is happening around her. She will spend the rest of her life teaching people about grace, forgiveness, and strength.

Genesis is currently sponsored by Jolynn Z.


Jasper came to us in October of 2020. He is a mustang that came from SW Oregon. For most wild mustangs, the round up can be a bit difficult and a bit of a struggle to transition from open running to being in a pen. Jasper has been able to transition from the wild to domestic life through a couple of owners and an amazing trainer. He definitely still has some wild roots in him though. He is incredibly sweet and social. He loves the attention of all people and love to get it with a bit of sass.  Above all else loves to be scratched and isn’t afraid to ask for a little love!


Jasper is currently sponsored by Jolynn Z


Lily came to us in June of 2024. She is the newest member of the herd and she came from a wonderful family in Keensburg, CO. :Lily is 14 years old and she was donated to us because Lily came into some hard times a few years back when she was diagnosed with navicular disease (a progressive degenerative disease in the bones of horses hooves). Navicular disease can cause extreme pain and discomfort and with corrective shoeing and care can be managed. Lily’s navicular was able to be managed for a couple of years before she was no longer able to tolerate the pain, so her owners decided to do a neurectomy (the clipping of a horse’s nerves to their hooves) so she was no longer in pain. With that, her ability to show in the western competition shows was gone. Her owners wanted what was best for her and decided to find a home where she could ride and be a horse comfortably without high demands. Lily is sweet and loving in nature and loves a good belly scratch. She is a big fan of treats as well.

Lily is currently not sponsored–click here if you are interested in sponsoring her.