Rebecca Winn MA, LPC, NCC, GEP

If You Were a Horse, What Kind of Horse Would You Be and Why?

If I were a horse, Iv would be a Morgan Horse. Not many are familiar with Morgan horses and as I have learned about them I have seen that they reflected me in being gentle in nature and yet displaying strength and groundedness. They are versatile in various disciplines and athleticism and are always eager and willing to help their people, making them easy to get along with. Morgan horses many times are willing to roll with whatever is needed and willing to pick up a learn something new for their people.

A Little About Yourself As A Counselor

I earned my Masters in Counseling from Colorado Christian University. My heart’s passion over the years has been working with a variety of populations. I have grown to love working with helping professions, first repsonders, and veterans. I have seen the amount of time each individual and their families have given and devoted to serving other people and I want to give to them. I have seen the implications of trauma in many forms and how it can create disconnection and discord within the world that we live in. I want to help those that help and serve people find a little more choice in connection and harmony.

I have studied a bit about trauma and understand how a myriad of experiences and circumstances can shift the way we view ourselves, view people, and the world we live in. We begin to lose the core of ourselves and our values through vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, and constant giving of ourselves to others. This has always been a big part of my “why” in doing this work. I love watching people rewrite their stories to create (and continue to create) endings they can stand on.

Why Horses and Healing For You?

Horses have always been a passion and a dream for me. Mostly a dream, I dreamed my whole life about owning my own horse. Now I have a whole herd (dreams can come true!). I have always marveled at their power and beauty. I remember visiting neighbors’ and friends’ horses and feeling like there was no where else in the world I would rather be. I remember I felt safety, I felt ok, I felt understood, I felt stillness, I felt home. Something that felt lost for me. I just remember the feelings and how nothing else had ever really connected to me like the horses I got to encounter along my life’s journey. Once I chose my career path (which I always knew I wanted to be with animals just didn’t know how) I found the avenue to bring horses in and begin to live my dream and share the power of the presence of horses so that other can have an experience all their own.

Joanne Raymond, Counseling Intern

If You Were a Horse, What Kind of Horse Would You Be and Why?”

I would be a Norwegian Fjord due to their social nature and desire to do what is asked of them. They quickly became one of my favorite breeds. They are quiet-natured and observant, reading people easily. Like Fjords, I am small but mighty. Generally, Fjords are not very tall, but have a strong and sturdy build, making them versatile and used in several different disciplines.


A Little about Yourself as a Counselor

I am currently pursuing my Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Colorado Christian University. I enjoy working with people of all ages and walks of life with my passion being working with teens and adults incorporating body-based mindfulness and expressive arts into their healing journey. I strive to create a safe space where you can show up just as you are wherever that is. We will use evidence-based techniques to help you heal so you can resume or begin a life abundant in joy and peace.


Why Horses and Healing for You?

I grew up being around horses and was drawn to them from a young age. I often found myself returning home from the barn with a deeper sense of peace, not knowing there’s a scientific explanation for that! I love including horses in the therapeutic process because they allow healing to happen by forming a real relationship with an unbiased and sentient being. You not only get to talk about what brings you into therapy but learn and practice new skills in real time. I believe there’s much to learn from their gentle nature, different personalities and way of interacting within the herd.

Jetika Kloth-Zanard MA, LPCC

If You Were A Horse, What Would You Be and Why?

If I were a horse, I’d be an Appaloosa. These horses are thought to date back to prehistoric caves and I’ve always considered myself an ‘old soul’. Appaloosa’s are typically trustworthy and excel well with people. They are often calm, and usually gentle and respectful in their relationships, though if they feel they have been mistreated they can become fierce. These qualities match well with my personality. They are a versatile horse and can be found doing many different types of tasks. I, myself, enjoy a multitude of different hobbies!

A Little About Yourself As A Counselor

I am currently completing my Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Regis University. I am passionate about helping people find balance and healing so that they may live life to their fullest potential of happiness. I believe that our experiences shape so much of our life’s journeys, views of the world, and coping habits, but that at any moment, we have the power to change our own narrative.

Why Horses and Healing For You?

Horses have always been a favorite creature of mine. I grew up spending a lot of time at a family friend’s horse farm because I could never get enough of the horses. Being around horses has always brought me a sense of calmness. Their majestic presence captivates me and takes me away from the chaos of the world. For those moments, I feel as though life has paused and I can simply relax and breathe.

Kathryn Boone, Counseling Intern

If You Were a Horse, What Kind of Horse Would You Be and Why?

If I were I horse, I would be a Leopard Appaloosa.  Appaloosa’s are loyal workhorses (pun-intended) who usually have a fierce dedication to their craft and their herd. They are usually associated with the words ‘reliable’ and ‘good with kids’. I specify a Leopard Appaloosa as I feel like I use my sense of humor and general oddities to help other people find confidence in what makes them stand out.


A Little About Yourself As a Counselor

My name is Kathryn Boone, but I usually go by Kat. I currently live in Littleton, but work full time as a Clinical Case Manager in Denver. I graduate from Colorado Christian University in December with my Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. I love spending time with friends and family or doing something active outside; swimming, hiking, fishing, hunting, playing soccer, and of course, playing with horses.


My own struggles and loss in life instilled in me at a very early age that I wanted to help other people. I wanted to support them, to lighten their burden, and be their shoulder to cry on. As I have grown, I have found a home in counseling and am wildly passion about helping my clients grow. My teachings in school and this practice have taught me that our greatest source of power is connection within each other. I hope to use this power to foster confidence, build emotional acuity, and long-lasting change.

Why Horses and Healing For You?

Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted a pony, and one day my father made my dreams come true. I will never forget my first horse, Stella. Once you form a bond like that with a horse, there is no going back. They imprint something so beautiful on your heart that it is hard to put into words. Whenever I was having a bad day, I would go see Stella. She would make the outside world disappear. It was just me and her. That’s what I hope to be able to show my clients. I didn’t know equine therapy existed, but I knew horses were therapeutic. Once I knew my passions for helping people and spending time with these magnificent creatures could be combined, I was hooked right out of the gate.

Ross & Shiloh

Ross Winn – Marketing Specialist and Ranch Hand

Bio Coming Soon!