Sponsor A Horse

Full Sponsorship of a Horse allows us to maintain hay, board, health care (vaccinations, feet care, deworming, dental care), supplements, and training.

Full Sponsorship: $250 a month

Half Sponsorship of a Horse allows us to maintain hay, board, and supplements.

Half Sponsorship: $125 a month

You can make a one-time donation in a horses name and we can help the horse with the funds we have available.


Sponsor A Farm Animal

**We currently do not have any farm animals that live on the ranch–stay tuned for more to come!**

Full Sponsorship of a farm animal allows us to maintain hay, board, health care (vaccinations, deworming, dental care), and supplements.

Full Sponsorship: $100 a month

Half Sponsorship of a farm animals allows us to maintain hay, board, and supplements.

Half Sponsorship: $50 a month

You can make a one-time donation in a farm animal’s name and we can help the farm animal with the funds we have available.

Sponsor A Small Critter

Full Sponsorship of a small critter helps with feeds, litter, health care, water, and housing.

Full Sponsorship: $40

Half Sponsorship of a small critter helps with feed, litter, and housing.

Half Sponsorship: $20

You can make a one-time donation in a critter’s name and we can help the critter with the funds we have available.